2024’s Biggest Pet Peeve
My feline Christmas present of a year ago is officially out of the kitten stage! Peeve has grown into a professional mouser, although his cuddles are still dispensed with great reluctance. My husband built him an adorable little house on our porch, complete with a heat lamp to keep him warm through the chilly months.
In other news of the world, I took a brief hiatus through the month of December before the next deep dive into the fourth draft of Without Rime or Reason. My beta readers sent some amazing feedback, and their recommendations will add a great deal of depth to Peregrine’s world.
After reflection, I chose to split the first book into two. It took a lot of individual feedback to make the decision, but I now have far greater leeway to explore the background, social interactions, and personalities of the first book. It is worth the cost. The best result, however, is the fact that the second book is now far advanced in terms of development. This means the interval between publishing dates could potentially be much shorter!
I am eager to see my books in print, so I will do my best to finish Book One and get it published this year. Lord willing, Book Two will not be far behind!
Blessings in the New Year,
~Odessa Rose Hunter